Saints Row: The Third is an action-adventure open world video game developed by Volition, Inc. and published by THQ. It was released on November 15, 2011 in Australia and North America, and was released on November 18, 2011 in Europe for Microsoft WindowsPlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. It is the third title in the Saints Row series, after the release of Saints Row 2 in 2008. As in Saints Row 2, the player controls the leader of the Third Street Saints. The game world is the fictional city of Steelport, and the story focuses on the urban gang war between the Saints and the three gangs. As the gang war intensifies, STAG (Special Tactical Anti-Gang), an elite paramilitary police force lead by Commander Cyrus Temple is deployed to Steelport in an attempt to disrupt the violence.

Game engine

The game runs on the CTG (Core Technology Group) Engine. Volition considered using Geo-Mod in Saints Row: The Third, but decided not to do it because it would be "game-breaking" because of some missions that take place indoors.
Volition representatives said: "In regards to considerations over Geo-Mod 2, we get that question a lot understandably, and the answer is yes, we considered it. But we ended up not going in that direction for two reasons. One, it would have been very, very difficult to do. It would have been possible, but difficult. Two, I think you could make the argument that delivering that level of destruction arguably creates a game that’s different to what fans of the franchise have come to expect."

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Cheats For Saint Row the third

Saints Row: The Third weapons and vehicles cheats

Spawn Air Strike: giveairstrike 

Spawn Ambulance: giveembulance 

Spawn Anchor: giveanchor 

Spawn Apocafists: giveapoca 

Spawn As3 Ultimax: giveultimax 

Spawn Attrazione: giveattrazione 

Spawn Bootlegger: givebootlegger 

Spawn Chainsaw: givechainsaw 

Spawn Challenger: givechallenger 

Spawn Commander: givecommander 

Spawn Condor: givecondor 

Spawn Cyber Blaster: givecybersmg 

Spawn Cyberdestructor: givecyber 

Spawn Drone: givedrone 

Spawn Eagle: giveeagle 

Spawn Electric Grenade: giveelectric 

Spawn Estrada: giveestrada 

Spawn F69 Vtol: givevtol 

Spawn Gatmobile: givegatmobile 

Spawn Grenade: givegrenade 

Spawn Hammer: givehammer 

Spawn K-8 Krukov: givekrukov 

Spawn Kanada: givekanada 

Spawn Kenshin: givekenshin 

Spawn Knoxville: giveknoxville 

Spawn Kobra Ka-1: givekobra 

Spawn Krukov: givekrukov 

Spawn McManus 2015: givesniper 

Spawn Miami: givemiami 

Spawn Minigun: giveminigun 

Spawn Molotov: givemolotov 

Spawn Municipal: givemunicipal 

Spawn Nforcer: givenforcer 

Spawn Nocturne: givesword 

Spawn Peacemaker: givepeacemaker 

Spawn Pheonix: givepheonix 

Spawn Reaper: givereaper 

Spawn RPG: giverpg 

Spawn Sandstorm: givesandstorm 

Spawn Satchel Charge: givesatchel 

Spawn Shark: giveshark 

Spawn Sheperd: givesheperd 

Spawn Shock Hammer: giverocket 

Spawn Spectre: givespectre 

Spawn Squasar: givesquasar 

Spawn Status Quo: givestatusquo 

Spawn Taxi: givetaxi 

Spawn Tek Z-10: givetek 

Spawn The Penetrator: givedildo 

Spawn Titan: givetitan 

Spawn Toad: givetoad 

Spawn Tornado: givetornado 

Spawn Viper Laser Rifle: giveslm8 

Spawn Vortex: givevortex 

Spawn VTOL: givevtol 

Spawn Vulture: givevulture 

Spawn Widowmaker: givewidowmaker 

Spawn Woodpecker: givewoodpecker 

Sunny weather: clearskies 

Cloudy weather: overcast 

Rainy weather: lightrain 

Very rainy weather: heavyrain

Sai0nts Row: The Third cheats list

All Weapons - Give all weapons + infinite ammo: letsrock 

r-e-s-p-e-c-t - +10000 respect: whatitmeanstome 

Cash Money - +$100000 cash: cheese 

Super Sprint - Infinite sprint meter: runfast 

Elevator to Heaven - Victims float into the sky: fryhole

Anger Cops - 5* Cop notoriety: pissoffpigs 

Anger Gangs - 5* Gang notoriety: lolz 

No Police - Clear all police notoriety: goodygoody 

No Gangs - Clear all gang notoriety: oops 

Rated M++ - Extra blood and gibs: notrated 

No Hud - Hide the hud: nohud 

Time of Day cycle - Advance time by 5 or 6 hours: ticktock 

Repair Car - Repairs all damage to vehicle: repaircar 

Vehicles Smash - Vehicle smashes others: isquishyou 

Give Apoca-Fist - Killbane gloves: giveapoca 

Golden Gun - One-hit kills enemies: goldengun 

Drunk Peds - Drunk AI: dui 

Pimps and Hookers - Peds all spawn as pimps, hos, BDSM patrons: hohoho 

zombocalypse - Peds spawn as zomies: brains 

Company of Gyros - Generic gang members are replaced by mascots: mascot

Posted by Ghulam Ahmed Bin Saeed On 02:18
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