Alexa is a web information company and maintains ranking data according to website performance. Performance factors include various things like a blog posting, traffic, reviews etc. These performance factors decide your website overall global and local rankings. Alexa global ranking means popularity of a site from all over the World, and the local Alexa ranking means the popularity of site from the country from which the domain is being registered.

alexa rank hack

Alexa is given more priority after Google page rank. Many advertisers and visitors judge your blog by looking Alexa rank. So it’s Good to have the Alexa rank to increase your blog popularity and income.  Here I am going to show you best legal and excellent ways to increase alexa rank

Ways to Increase your alexa ranking

1). Claim Your Site in Alexa:

To gain full control claim your site on this will help others to know about your site and helps to rank better.

2). Install Alexa ToolBar on All Your Browsers:

Alexa is measured by the hits which pass from their system . So you need to install Alexa tool bar  in all your browsers and also tell your friends ,visitors and members of your blog to install Alexa tool bar.

3). Add Alexa widget on your blog or Site:

You can not tell all your visitors to intsall Alexa tool bar so the best way is to use Alexa widget on your blog or site for good ranking. This helps advertisers to know about your site and there by it increases revenue of your blog.

4). Make Browser Startup URL to Your Site URL:

Yes, change your browser default startup url to your site url. If you are using google crome. Google crome default startup url is you need to change this by going to crome setting page.

5). Publish Quality content:

As we always believe that Content Is king. if you  have good content then you can generate automatically backlinks. If you don’t have any good article to publish then don’t publish weak and useless article.

6). Write a Review about

This is the great tip to  increase alexa rank . Write a review about Alexa on your blog and link it to
Note: If you started your blog recently then don’t write about How to increase Alexa rank- As you have started  blog recently if you write this article many visitors will take that in negative way. So its better to write What is Alexa rank? How to install Alexa widget on your blog

alexa rank hack

7). Comment On other Niche Blogs:

Comment on commluv enabled blogs  and other blogs which are related to your niche. Commenting on others blog you can generate more backlinks very easily. and getting back links form good website will definitely increase Alexa rank. Don’ forget that Alexa will also include back links for measuring rank.

8). Use Social networking sites:

One of best way to get traffic and increase Alexa rank for a newbie is use of social networking sites like facebook. stumbleupon, Digg and reddit. share your contents on these sites. But Remember don’t share as a spammer.

9). Review about your Blog on Alexa:

Ask your friends, visitors to write a review on alexa, a good review about your site can increase alexa rank.

10). Get target traffic:

Get traffic form bloggers and tech related people this will helps you  to get good Alexa rank.

11). Write new content regularly:

It’s good to update your blog regularly by writing new article. but remember  you always need to provide good quality then Alexa will boost like anything.
Posted by Ghulam Ahmed Bin Saeed On 05:32
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